April 28, 2008

Aocalypto (2006)

Apocalypto is a highly stylized epic set in ancient America that follows the travails of Jaguar Paw, a Mayan hunter. See more on the plot here.

This movie is quite remarkable, and I am surprised I have missed seeing it for so long. The costume design and makup is absolutely amazing - one of the few movies where costume and makup alone tell a huge part of the story. The whole movie is subtitled being spoken in a native American tongue, but it really feels authentic. Perhaps one of the ingenious things about this movie is that it still feels like a personal movie focused on a small set of characters even though there are sweeping epic scenes that show off Mel Gibson's version of the Mayan civilization. Jaguar Paw is so removed from the present, and witnesses things and places that are so different and quite unfathomable from the modern experience. Yet, you really identify with him as a person who wants to be good, to live a life of peace and happiness with his family.

Oh yeah, and there are some freaking awesome fight/chase scenes. Not to mention the horrifying close call with a Mayan priest on top of a pyramid and his attempt to cut out Jaguar Paw's heart in sacrifice to the Gods. Really fantastic movie - one of my favorites from 2006.

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